
Caregivers serve as the invisible frontline of our nation’s healthcare system– providing compassionate care to tens of millions of people each year – and yet systems to support them are fragmented, inaccessible, and oftentimes nonexistent.

It doesn’t have to be that way.
We can change it, together.


RCI’s advocacy efforts seek to redesign structures and systems to proactively center caregivers’ health and wellbeing. 

Centering Caregivers at the Federal Level

Despite a wide array of caregiver support programs scattered across the federal government, caregivers often struggle to navigate a disjointed system, fail to qualify for the types of benefits they need, and find that the resources available to them are not sufficient or timely. 

Recognizing the need for better systems of support for America’s 53 million caregivers, our founder, Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter made a bold proposal: establish a new Office of Caregiver Health within the federal government to elevate and center caregivers like never before. 

“An Office of Caregiver Health would ensure that family caregivers are represented in discussions of health policy, legislation and budget negotiations. It also would help break down the silos that can obstruct progress by creating ways to help caregivers regardless of payer or condition.”

– Rosalynn Carter

Former First Lady of the United States

Office of Caregiver Health

Establishing a federal office focused on the health and wellbeing of caregivers would demonstrate the commitment of the federal government to acknowledging caregivers and their invaluable contributions to our nation’s health and economy.

An Office of Caregiver Health would elevate and focus unprecedented federal representation, investment, and coordination of caregiver support across federal agencies. Leadership at this level would ensure that family caregivers are represented in health policy, regulation, program, and budget negotiations. A centralized office can dismantle silos that are barriers to progress by creating ways to consider the universal needs of caregivers, regardless of care recipient condition and payer. With a focus on family caregivers, the Office of Caregiver Health could coordinate programs, reduce complexity, prevent duplication, and offer caregivers a clear point of entry for resources and supports.

Invisible Until the Pandemic, Family Caregivers Are Now on the Front lines

Office of Caregiver Health Support Letter to the White House

Add your organization/sign-on to the letter of support for the Office of Caregiver Health. 
We greatly appreciate your support on this initiative.

Advocating for Change 

Family caregivers represent a powerful constituency, capable of making meaningful impact. Together, we can build robust systems of support that truly meets caregiver needs, regardless of where they are in their journey. We can advocate for a world where every caregiver has access to financial support, respite, mental health services, support from a well-compensated care workforce, and so much more.  

Together, we can build a better future for caregivers.

Join the 4Kinds Network

RCI’s caregiver advocacy and peer-support network. Through the 4Kinds Network, RCI is mobilizing former and current caregivers to harness their collective power so that they may be recognized, respected, and resourced in all the ways they deserve.

Advocacy and Action

Other RCI Resources

Our Programs

Caregiving can be a fulfilling journey, but it can also be challenging – resulting in significant mental, physical, and financial strain on the caregiver.

Strategic Initiatives

Through a portfolio of research projects and strategic initiatives, RCI is working to answer key questions about caregiver demographics, health, needs, and existing supports.


One in five full time employees is also providing care for someone who is aging, ill, disabled, outside of thier paid job

We can’t do this work without the support of caregiver champions like you.

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